Jonathan Love

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Colour Wheel

There is a Traditional Colour Wheel

representing Red, Yellow, Blue, with the Primary Colours

Primary Colours

The traditional three primary colours: Red, Yellow and Blue #unresolved Question?? should these not be the...

located in a Triadic

Triadic Colours

Equally spaced around the Colour Wheel Tend to be very bright and dynamic Creates visual Contrast and...


There are other colour wheels (e.g. an RGB colour wheel)

Interactive Graph

Colour WheelTraditional Colour WheelRYB - Subtractive Colour Model for PaintingPrimary ColoursTriadic ColoursSecondary ColoursTertiary ColoursColour Temperature - FeelingFundamentals of DesignFundamentals of Colour TheoryAnalogous ColoursComplementary ColoursCMYK - Subtractive Colour ModelColour SpaceRGB - Additive Colour ModelContrastSplit Complementary Colours